SIT Functional Readiness and Execution
This page contains all documents relating to Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Functional Readiness and Execution.
You can view the Artefacts and information below.
The SIT Functional Readiness Tracker, which you can view below, will be updated on a weekly basis, every Thursday.
SIT Functional Readiness Tracker: 8 February 2024
If you have any questions, please email the Testing team at [email protected]
Test Ordering
The Programme has published a draft test ordering for Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Functional, which you can view at the link below:
SIT Functional Cycle 1 Ordering
When referring to the test ordering, please note the following:
- Tests will be ordered differently across some Cohorts.
- Cohorts will commence test execution exercising different Business Processes.
- Where possible, coordination of testing will take place to align trajectory of Cohorts into Linked Cohort testing.
- Testing will prioritise single Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN) Data conditions, with data items such as Linked MPANs tested at a later date.
- Test Execution will run at the pace of each Cohorts ability, noting limiting factors will exist across Central Services. As such test execution velocity within Cohorts may need to be throttled to allow for Central Service test support across all Cohorts.
- SIT Migration Commencement (in line with the start of SIT Functional Cycle 2) has a dependency on SIT Functional Cycle 1 - Linked Cohort Change of Supplier (CoS) and Change of Agent (CoA) testing. This testing will be prioritised early in the lifecycle of Cycle 1.
SIT Functional Cycle 1 Test Coverage Target
- All Business Processes tested (not passed) using Single MPAN Data, established using a summation of all eight Cohort Test progress achievements.
- SIT Migration dependant Processes executed and passed, with any exceptions documented and agreed.