Code Artefacts Consistency Check
Please note that these Code Artefacts are now superseded by the Code Artefacts under individual Code Body governance.
Please refer to the Code Artefact text under the Code Body Ofgem Significant Code Review (SCR) page or contact the respective Code Body directly for the latest version. We'll confirm the Code Body web pages shortly.
The Code Artefacts Consistency Check consultation closed on Friday 12 July 2024. Thank you to all participants who responded to this consultation.
We’ve reviewed and responded to all feedback received, which you can view in the Consolidated Comments Log below.
Consistency Check Consolidated Comments Log
This consistency check was held to ensure that the Code Artefacts aligned with the latest Design Artefacts, and to do a final check via a cross-code review, legal review, traceability matrix, format and terminology review and to ensure that the series aligned with each other.
The Code Artefacts were triaged and updated and you can view these in the library below. There was also a Code Artefacts Assurance Review open between 26 July-2 August 2024. This is now closed. Thank you to all participants who responded to this assurance review.
The Artefacts were finalised and presented to the Code Drafting Working Group (CDWG) and Cross-Code Advisory Group. The Cross-Code Advisory Group (CCAG) approved the Artefacts on 21 August 2024. These final Artefacts are published on the Finalisation of Code Artefacts page of this website.
For transparency and audit purposes, you can access the historic tranches of the Code Artefacts from the relevant Tranche. You can view the individual pages via the website navigation menu above, or via the Code Artefacts page of this website.
For information, you can still view the Code Drafting Consultation Advisory Notes below as well as a Consolidated Comments Log from the latest consultation:
Code Drafting Consultation Advisory Notes
If you have any questions about these Code Artefacts, please email [email protected]

Code Consistency Check Artefacts
Code Artefacts: Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC) Sections Consistency Check
Short Name | Doc Number | Theme | Version |
Section Z - Performance Assurance | DEL2307 | BSC Consistency | v10.3 |
Section L - Metering | DEL1039 | BSC Consistency | v25.6 |
Annex S-4 - Supplier Volume Allocation Rules for Metering Systems During Transition | DEL1726 | BSC Consistency | v0.8 |
Section W - Trading Disputes | DEL2778 | BSC Consistency | v22.3 |
Section E - BSC Agents | DEL2297 | BSC Consistency | v10.3 |
Section X-2 - Technical Glossary | DEL2036 | BSC Consistency | v54.10 |
Section K - Classification and Registration of Metering Systems and BM Units | DEL999 | BSC Consistency | v48.7 |
Section S - Supplier Volume Allocation | DEL1347 | BSC Consistency | v44.9 |
Annex S-3 - Supplier Volume Allocation Rules for MHHS Metering Systems | DEL1348 | BSC Consistency | v0.92 |
Annex S-1 - Performance Levels and Supplier Charges | DEL2298 | BSC Consistency | v13.9 |
Section J - Party Agents and Qualification Under the Code | DEL1040 | BSC Consistency | v22.6 |
Section X-1 - General Glossary | DEL2035 | BSC Consistency | v115.6 |
Code Artefacts: BSCP700 series Consistency Check
Code Artefacts: Retail Energy Code (REC) Schedules Consistency Check
Code Artefacts: Controls Consistency Check
Short Name | Doc Number | Theme | Version |
Definitions and Interpretations | DEL2828 | Controls Consistency | v1.0 |
DIP Interface Traceability | DEL2829 | Controls Consistency | v1.0 |
Design Artefact to Code - Traceability | DEL2827 | Controls Consistency | v1.0 |
MHHS Code Workstream - Change Control Log v0.1 | DEL2829 | Controls Consistency | v0.1 |
Code Baseline Matrix v1.2 | DEL2040 | Controls Consistency | v1.2 |
CDWG Issues Decisions Log - V1.1 | DEL2824 | Controls Consistency | v1.1 |
Consolidated MHHS BRs Traceability | DEL2825 | Controls Consistency | v1.0 |
DIP Rules Overlap Matrix | DEL2826 | Controls Consistency | v1.0 |
Code Artefacts: Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement (DCUSA) Consistency Check
Short Name | Doc Number | Theme | Version |
DCUSA MHHS Transition | DEL1722 | DCUSA Consistency | v0.7 |