Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents Baselined Design Artefact Library
The Baselined Design Artefacts have been grouped into four Libraries for ease of review.
The Supporting Documents Baselined Artefact Library is shown below, covering the end-to-end design. There is a search function on the top right of the library view to assist in finding a document.
The other three Baselined Design Artefact Libraries can be accessed via the menu on this site, or the links below:
Metering Changes
Meter to Bank
MPAN Ownership
Note: several of these documents are Excel spreadsheets so unlike PDF documents that will open on a tab, they will be in your ‘downloads’ folder.

Supporting Documents Baselined Design Artefacts Library
Short Name | Doc Number | Sub Type | Status | Version |
Change of Supply - Reverse Migration | DEL-971 | Business Process Descriptions | Draft | v1.2 |
DIP API & Webhook Response Guidance | Supporting Document | Draft | v3.0 | |
Physical interfaces - Data Types - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.7.3 |
Physical interfaces - ECS Common Blocks - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.8.3 |
Physical interfaces - Real Common Blocks - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.5.5 |
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.5.5 |
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.5.5 |
Physical interfaces - ECS Reports - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.8.3 |
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.7.3 |
MDS Method Statement | METH007 | Method Statements | Draft | v5.4 |
Physical interfaces - Data Types - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.8.3 |
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.8.3 |
Physical interfaces - Interfaces Event Codes - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.8.3 |
LDSO Overview Requirements | BRS005 | Business Requirements | Draft | v5.3 |
Physical interfaces - Interfaces Event Codes - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.7.3 |
Physical interfaces - ECS Common Blocks - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.8.3 |
Interface Catalogue | DES138 | Interface Specifications | v5.8.6 | |
Physical interfaces - Interfaces Event Codes - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.5.5 |
MHHS Guidance - Use of Boolean Data Type | MHHS-DEL3055 | 1.0 | ||
Physical interfaces - Data Types - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.5.5 |
Physical interfaces - Response Codes - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | v1.7 | |
Market-wide Data Service (ECS) Business Process (REDLINED) | BP019 | Business Process Descriptions | v5.2 | |
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.5.5 |
Annual Consumption Requirements | BRS012 | Business Requirements | v5.0 | |
MHHS DateTime Guidance Document | DEL2860 | Supporting Document | v1.3 | |
Migration Design Document | DEL961 | Supporting Document | Draft | v1.4 |
Optional SDS MDR Standard Interactions Requirements | BRS017 | Business Requirements | v1.0 | |
Meter Reading Service - Guidance | DEL2888 | Supporting Document | v1.0 | |
Traceability Matrix | DES203 | Supporting Document | v5.1 | |
ECS Reports - Internal | ERI011A | Interface Specifications | v5.5 | |
D-Flow and Interface Mapping | DES196 | Technical Design | Approved | v0.3 |
Interface Catalogue | DES138 | Interface Specifications | Draft | v5.8.5 |
Physical interfaces - Real Common Blocks - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.7.3 |
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.8.3 |
Physical interfaces - Data Catalogue - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.7.3 |
End to End Non Functional Requirements | E2E002 | Technical Design | Approved | v3.5 |
ECS Reports - External (redlined) | ERI011B | Interface Specifications | Draft | V5.10 |
Physical interfaces - Data Types - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.8.3 |
Physical interfaces - Data Catalogue - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.8.3 |
Physical interfaces - ECS Common Blocks - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.7.3 |
Physical interfaces - Examples | E2E003 | Technical Design | v0.7 | |
Physical Interfaces - Real Common Blocks - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.7.3 |
SDS Validation Estimation Method Statement | METH001 | Method Statements | Draft | v5.4 |
Supplier Overview Requirements | BRS004 | Business Requirements | Draft | v5.5 |
Physical interfaces - Response Codes - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | v1.7 | |
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.7.3 |
Physical interfaces - Interfaces Event Codes - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.7.3 |
Physical interfaces - ECS Reports - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.7.3 |
ISD Entity Map | EM021 | Supporting Document | v5.1 | |
UMSDS EM Functions Method Statement | METH004 | Method Statements | v5.3 | |
ADS Validation Estimation Method Statement | METH002 | Method Statements | Draft | v5.5 |
Annual Consumption Requirements | BRS012 | Business Requirements | Draft | v5.1 |
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.7.3 |
Linked and Related MPANs Explainer | DEL-1058 | Supporting Document | v2.0 | |
Physical interfaces - ECS Reports - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.8.3 |
EES and SDEP Requirements | BRS006 | Business Requirements | v5.1 | |
Provisional Transitional Scaling Weights | DES240 | Supporting Document | Draft | v1.1 |
D-Flow and Interface Mapping | DES196 | Technical Design | Draft | 1.4 |
Operational Choreography | OPC001 | Method Statements | v5.4 | |
Metering Service Requirements | BRS002 | Business Requirements | v5.6 | |
Market-wide Data Service (ECS) Business Process | BP019 | Business Process Diagrams | v5.2 | |
Operational Choreography | OPC001 | Method Statements | Draft | v5.5 |
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.7.3 |
ECS Reports - External | ERI011B | Interface Specifications | Draft | v5.9 |
End to End Solution Architecture | E2E001 | Technical Design | Draft | v3.7 |
ECS Registration Data Archive Requirements | BRS014 | Business Requirements | v5.0 | |
Physical Interfaces - Real Common Blocks - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.5.5 |
Interface Catalogue | DES138 | Unclassified | Draft | v5.8.5 |
Annual Consumption Method Statement | METH010 | Method Statements | v5.2 | |
Registration Service Requirements | BRS003 | Business Requirements | Draft | v5.7 |
Data Service Requirements | BRS001 | Business Requirements | v5.5 | |
Physical interfaces - Data Catalogue - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.5.5 |
Optional SDS MDR Standard Interactions | BP017 | Business Process Diagrams | v1.0 | |
Physical interfaces - Interfaces Event Codes - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.5.5 |
Physical interfaces - ECS Reports - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.7.3 |
UMSO Method Statement | METH009 | Method Statements | Draft | v5.2 |
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.8.3 |
ISD Entities | EDI021 | Supporting Document | Draft | v5.7 |
Physical interfaces - Examples | E2E003 | Technical Design | v0.7 | |
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.8.3 |
Physical interfaces - ECS Common Blocks - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.7.3 |
Logical Data Model | DES052 | Supporting Document | v5.0 | |
Physical interfaces - Interfaces Event Codes - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.8.3 |
Transition Approach and Parallel Running Requirements | MHHSP-TRANS - BRS001 | Business Requirements | v4.0 | |
Change of Service - Data Service - Reverse Migration | DEL967 | Unclassified | v1.1 | |
Physical interfaces - Data Catalogue - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.5.5 |
Physical interfaces - Data Catalogue - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.7.3 |
IF-005 Use Case Guide | DES229 | Supporting Document | v1.3 | |
Physical interfaces - Data Types - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.7.3 |
Change of Service - Metering Service - Forward Migration | DEL963 | Business Process Diagrams | Draft | v1.4 |
IF015-016 Design Note | DIP051 | Technical Design | v0.2 | |
Physical interfaces - Data Catalogue - yaml | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.8.3 |
Physical interfaces - Data Types - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.5.5 |
Change of Supply - Reverse Migration | DEL-965 | Business Process Diagrams | Draft | v1.2 |
Physical interfaces - Submit Events - json | E2E003 | Technical Design | Draft | v1.5.5 |