Non-SIT Supplier & Agent Qualification
On this page you can find more information on the Non-Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Supplier & Agent route through Qualification.
Use the links below to find more information on key Non-SIT Supplier & Agent Qualification Deliverables and Artefacts:
- Non-SIT Supplier & Agent Test Data
- Non-SIT Supplier & Agent Qualification Testing Test Scenarios and Test Cases
- Qualification Approach & Plan
- You can view the Qualification Approach & Plan and the accompanying Annexes, including Annex 2: Non-SIT Supplier & Agent MHHS Qualification Testing Approach
- Qualification Assessment Document
- All Programme participants need to complete this document as part of their Qualification
If you have any questions, or you can't find what you're looking for, please email [email protected]
Qualification Requirements to Test Traceability Matrix (RTTM)
Code Bodies have provided RTTM templates for each non-SIT Party type to support the assessment of testing activity.
They clarify minimum requirements for test execution in Pre-Integration Testing (PIT) and will set out what is expected for Qualification Testing as well as any evidence that must be provided e.g. to support the Qualification Assessment Document (QAD) submission.
Parties are required to complete the template to show that all tests have been executed and provide evidence of this.
To view the RTTM templates, please visit the Qualification Requirements to Test Traceability Matrix (RTTM) page of this website.
Placing Reliance, Qualification Testing (QT) and Pre-Integration Testing (PIT)
Non-SIT Suppliers, Agents, Meter Equipment Managers (MEMs) and New Entrant Licensed Distribution System Operators (LDSO)s are required to provide a Pre-Qualification Submission (PQS).
The PQS collects information from each Programme participant on its preferred Qualification Wave, PIT approach and completion timescales, target migration date, and Placing Reliance information. The PQS provides Code Bodies with the information required to make an informed judgement on a participant’s plans and readiness for its preferred Qualification Wave, confirms the Placing Reliance approach and what tests the participant will be required to undertake in Qualification Testing (QT). For the avoidance of doubt, a Programme participant cannot be allocated to a Qualification Wave before any participant that it is Placing Reliance on.
Code Bodies seek to flex testing and assurance capacity to meet Programme participant Qualification Wave requests as far as possible but may, as a last resort only, need to implement a reallocation process if all participants’ requests cannot be met. The reallocation process will not be a first come, first served approach, and we’ll engage participants before this process.
Once allocated, Code Bodies will use several checkpoints to monitor progress against the QT Entry Criteria (see the Qualification Approach & Plan (QA&P) Section 10.6 for further information on QT Entry Criteria). Where a participant is not deemed to be on track for QT Entry they may be moved to a later wave. A wait list process will be in place where participants are looking to move into an earlier oversubscribed wave.
Each participant is required to complete PIT (assured by the Elexon Qualification Test Manager, using defined PIT Exit Criteria), provide its QT Test Plan and undertake its other MHHS Qualification preparation activities, such as Data Integration Platform (DIP) onboarding, in accordance with the plans provided in its Pre-Qualification Submission. The participant will then be required to submit its initial Qualification Assessment Document (QAD). Code Bodies will review the initial QAD submission, seeking clarifications where required, and confirm that the participant can start QT in its allocated Qualification Wave.
Elexon’s Qualification Test Manager will manage QT. A more detailed explanation of the QT process is set out in Annex 2: Non-SIT Supplier and Agent MHHS Qualification Testing Approach and Plan and will be set out in Annex 3: New Entrant Non-SIT LDSO MHHS Qualification Approach.
More information on the Qualification Approach & Plan including the documents are available on the Qualification Approach & Plan page of this website.
A Programme participant should continue to develop its final QAD submission in parallel with QT.
Where a test cannot be completed in QT, we expect Non-SIT participants to develop work-off plans which are reviewed with the Elexon Qualification Test Manager and agreed with the Code Bodies.
Completion of Qualification Testing
Once a participant has completed QT (assured by the Elexon Qualification Test Manager, using defined QT Exit Criteria), they must submit a final QAD. Code Bodies will review the final QAD submission and work with the participant to finalise it. Once the content has been agreed as complete for the purposes of MHHS Qualification, it must be signed by a Company Director (or delegate for roles governed only under the Retail Energy Code (REC).
Code Bodies will then approve MHHS Qualification for the Supplier, Agent or new entrant LDSO in accordance with the QA&P Section 11.3 MHHS Qualification Approval. Once MHHS Qualified, the participant must complete Service Activation before it can operate the new MHHS arrangements. Service Activation, as described in the QA&P Section 7.3.3 Service Activation, is out of scope of the QA&P and will be managed by the MHHS Programme.
A summary of the MHHS Qualification steps for Non-SIT Suppliers, Agents, MEMs and New Entrant LDSO participants is set out in the image below.