Readiness Assessment 5/6

Readiness Assessment 5/6 launches on 28 April 2025! 

The overall purpose of Programme Readiness Assessments is to provide an accurate view of participant readiness, allowing data-driven decisions to be made, particularly in relation to upcoming Milestones and Control Points.  

Readiness Assessment 5/6 is a critical input and evidence capturing mechanism to inform and support wider M10 readiness tracking activity and will enable the Programme to identify any risks and issues in advance of Go-Live. 

Readiness Assessment 5/6 will focus on: 

  • Milestones M10 (central systems ready for migrating Meter Point Administration Numbers (MPANs)) and M11 (initiation of the migration of MPANs), as well as the pre-requisites for M10, e.g. Qualification readiness.  
  • Input into Control Points 3 and 4 (readiness for start of Migration) 


The Readiness Assessment officially launches on Monday 28 April 2025.

Participants will have three weeks to complete the assessment and submit their responses to the Programme by 17:00 on Friday 16 May 2025.

The survey will be emailed to all Principal Contacts on the launch date and we'll communicate updates to participants via email, The Clock and on this page.

The Programme will hold a Readiness Assessment 5/6 webinar in April. We'll release more information nearer the time. 

Please note that you will require access to the Collaboration Base to complete the survey. If you have any queries about access, please email the Programme Party Coordination (PPC) team at [email protected]  

We appreciate your cooperation and timely submission of the assessment. Your participation is crucial to ensuring the successful implementation of the MHHS Programme. 

Requirement to complete Readiness Assessment 5/6 

Under Clause 12.12.1 of the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) obligation, each MHHS participant is obliged to: 

“Provide the Authority, the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider or MHHS Implementation Manager with such information as they may reasonably request in relation to MHHS Implementation, including regarding the MHHS participant’s planning for and progress in relation to MHHS Implementation (including progress against its own Programme plan).” 

This means that all MHHS participants have an obligation to respond to Readiness Assessment 5/6.  

While Software Providers are not signatories to industry codes, it is important for the Programme to obtain delivery information from them to supplement the information being obtained from their clients. 

Please note that the Programme Steering Group (PSG) and Ofgem will be notified of which participants have and have not responded to Readiness Assessment 5/6

If you have any questions about the scope and timelines of Readiness Assessment 5/6, please contact your PPC representative or the wider PPC team at [email protected] 

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