Code Topic Mop Up 2

On 22 May 2024, the Code Topic Mop Up 2 Artefacts were approved at the Cross-Code Advisory Group (CCAG).   

You can view a Consolidated Comments Log from the consultation which closed on 11 March 2024 and the Retail Energy Code (REC) Mop Up 2 Post Consultation Assurance document below:

Mop Up 2 Consolidated Comments Log

REC Supporting Post-Consultation Notes

The Mop Up 2 Artefacts are displayed across the following categories in the libraries below:

  1. Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC) Sections 
  2. New BSCP700 series 
  3. Other Balancing & Settlement Code Procedures (BSCPs) 
  4. Retail Energy Code (REC) Schedules 
  5. BSC Assurance/Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement (DCUSA) 

You can view a supporting Code Baseline Matrix stating which Artefacts are in each library below, along with some supporting guidance documents; the Mop Up 2 Advisory NotesREC Supporting Consultation Notes and the Code Drafting Change Control Log which were published when the consultation opened.

Code Baseline Matrix

Mop Up 2 Advisory Notes

REC Supporting Consultation Notes

Code Drafting Change Control Log

If you have any questions about these Code Artefacts, please email [email protected]  


Code Topic Mop Up 2 Artefacts


Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC) Sections

New BSCP700 series

Other Balancing & Settlement Code Procedures (BSCPs)

Short Name Doc Number Theme Version
BSCP503 - Half Hourly Data Aggregation for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS DEL2007 Other BSCPs v30.2
BSC Code of Practice 5 DEL995 Other BSCPs v18.5
BSC Code of Practice 2 DEL992 Other BSCPs v17.6
BSC Code of Practice 7 DEL997 Other BSCPs v7.6
P-Flows - Part 2 - Data Items DEL1724 Other BSCPs v0.4
BSC Code of Practice 1 DEL990 Other BSCPs v15.6
BSCP502 - Half Hourly Data Collection for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS DEL2006 Other BSCPs v40.2
BSCP128 - Appendix 5 - CSAD 2.1 and 2.2 Tables for all Host and Embedded Submissons DEL2004 Other BSCPs v0.1
BSCP520 - Unmetered Supplies Registered in SMRS DEL2011 Other BSCPs v32.3
BSCP128 - Production, Submission, Audit and Approval of Line Loss Factors DEL1527 Other BSCPs v11.6
BSCP504 - Non Half Hourly Data Collection for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS DEL2008 Other BSCPs v51.3
BSC Code of Practice 10 DEL991 Other BSCPs v14.4
P-Flows Part 1 - Interfaces DEL1723 Other BSCPs v0.6
BSC Code of Practice 6 DEL996 Other BSCPs v9.6
BSCP505 - Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS DEL2010 Other BSCPs v25.3
BSCP601 - Metering Protocol Approval and Compliance Testing DEL998 Other BSCPs v23.6
PSL200 Proposal to Withdraw DEL2033 Other BSCPs v0.4
BSC Code of Practice 3 DEL993 Other BSCPs v17.6
BSCP68 - Transfer of Registration of Metering Systems between CMRS and SMRS DEL-1266 Other BSCPs v18.7
BSC Central Services - Service Descriptions DEL1343 Other BSCPs v0.8
BSCP02 - Proving Test Requirements for Central Volume Allocation Metering Systems DEL2002 Other BSCPs v9.2
BSCP38 - Authorisations DEL1531 Other BSCPs v25.2
BSCP550 - Shared SVA (Advanced) Meter Arrangement of Half Hourly Import and Export Active Enerrgy DEL2013 Other BSCPs v18.4
BSCP602 - SVA Metering Systems and Asset Mefering Systems Register DEL2026 Other BSCPs v7.3
BSC Code of Practice 4 DEL994 Other BSCPs v16.6
BSCP65 - Registration of Parties and Exit Procedures DEL1530 Other BSCPs v22.6
BSCP01 - Overview of Trading Arrangements DEL2034 Other BSCPs v24.3

Retail Energy Code (REC) Schedules

Short Name Doc Number Theme Version
bacpac Web Data Specification DEL1731 REC Schedules v1.5
Schedule 9 - Qualification and Maintenance DEL1517 REC Schedules v0.4
REC EES API Interface Specification DEL-1718 REC Schedules v0.5
HTML Web Data Specification DEL1730 REC Schedules v1.5
REC Schedule XX - MHHS Migration DEL-1518 REC Schedules v0.6
Schedule 24 - Switching Data Management DEL1270 REC Schedules v0.4
ERDS Service Definition DEL1267 REC Schedules v0.5
REC Consolidated Metering Code of Practice v0.2 Mop Up Consultation DEL-984 REC Schedules v0.2
Schedule 12 - Data Access DEL-1515 REC Schedules v0.4
Schedule 25 - Central Switching Service DEL-1271 REC Schedules v0.3
Schedule 15 - Metering Accreditations DEL-1720 REC Schedules v0.3
Schedule 29 - Address Management DEL-1274 REC Schedules v0.4
Electricity Enquiry Service (EES) Service Definition DEL-1514 REC Schedules v0.4
Energy Market Data Specification DEL-1725 REC Schedules v0.4
REC Schedule 28 - Related Metering Points DEL-1273 REC Schedules v0.5
Schedule 27 - RMP Lifecycle DEL-1272 REC Schedules v0.6
Schedule 19 - Merket Exit and Supplier of Last Resort DEL-1268 REC Schedules V0.4
REC Schedule 14 - Metering Operations Schedule DEL-983 REC Schedules v0.6
Schedule 1 - Interpretations and Definitions DEL1719 REC Schedules v0.6
Schedule 30 - Resolution of Consumer Facing Switching abd Billing Issues DEL-1516 REC Schedules v.04
Schedule 23 - Registration Services DEL-1269 REC Schedules v0.4

BSC Assurance / Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement (DCUSA)

Short Name Doc Number Theme Version
BSCP18 - Corrections to Bid Offer Accepted Data DEL2005 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v17.2
BSCP537 - Qualification Process for SVA Parties, SVA Party Agents, VLPs, AMVLPs, Asset Metering Agents and CVA MOAs DEL2301 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v17.2
BSCP711 - Performance Assurance Monitoring Data Provision, Reporting and Publication of Peer Comparison Data DEL2304 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v0.4
BSCP128 - Appendix 3 - Calculation of Self Assessment Document (CSAD) for Host LDSOs and Embedded LDSOs That Do Not Mirrir DEL2278 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v7.2
BSCP27 - Technical Assurance of Metering Systems for Settlement Purposes DEL2291 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v23.2
BSCP128 - Appendix 9 - Site Specific LLF Calculation Audit Evidence Template DEL2281 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v1.1
PAM System User Requirements Specification (URS) DEL2305 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v0.3
DCUSA MHHS Transition DEL-1722 BSC Assurance / DCUSA 0.6
BSCP711 - Appendix A - Fixed PAM Data Provider File Formats DEL2302 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v0.4
BSCP535 - Technical Assurance DEL2292 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v13.2
BSCP710 - Supplier Charges for MHHS Metering Systems DEL2287 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v0.3
BSCP14 - Processing of Manifest Error Claims DEL2282 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v9.2
BSCP711 - Appendix B - Fixed PAM Calculation Guidelines DEL2303 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v0.4
BSCP11 -Trading Disputes DEL2277 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v23.2
BSCP128 - Appendix 4 - Line Loss Factor Calculation Self Assessment Document (CSAD) for Embedded LDSOs That Mirror DEL2280 BSC Assurance / DCUSA v4.2