Data Cleanse Plan

Data Cleanse Plan

The purpose of the Data Cleanse Plan is to set out the data improvement activities that are required to be undertaken by Programme participants, to ensure data is of the required quality and completeness before the cutover to the new arrangements at M10 and the start of migration at M11.

On Tuesday 4 June 2024, the Migration and Cutover Advisory Group (MCAG) approved an updated v2.1 of the Data Cleanse Plan, which you can view below.

Data Cleanse Plan v2.1

Minor updates to the previous v2.0 of the Data Cleanse Plan, which was approved on Tuesday 27 February 2024, were required as new information had come to light as Programme participants had progressed against their data improvement activities. 

The Data Cleanse Working Group (DCWG) oversee the data improvement activities set out within the Data Cleanse Plan.

If you have any questions, please email the Transition & Operational Readiness team at [email protected]
