Facilitating Engagement between Suppliers and Agents

At the Qualification Working Group (QWG) in June 2024, the Programme took an action to explore how it can support engagement between Suppliers and Customer Appointed Agents so that they can better understand Qualification and Migration plans.

The Programme proposed publishing a central register for participants who opt in and consent to information they have provided being shared on the MHHS communications channels (the MHHS website and Collaboration Base), including:

  • Qualification Wave allocation (for Non-Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Suppliers & Agents
  • Qualification key contacts (for Non-SIT Suppliers & Agents)
  • Anticipated Migration start date (for Suppliers)
  • Migration key contacts (for Suppliers)

Following participant feedback, at December’s QWG, participants were given the opportunity to share their views as to whether this information should be made available to all participants or only those who opt in and consent to their information being shared.

The consensus was that the information should be made available to all participants rather than a restricted audience. Therefore, at December’s Qualification Advisory Group (QAG) the Programme proposed that the Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) approve that published Qualification and Migration information from Suppliers & Agents is made available to all participants. This decision was approved by the SRO.

The first iteration of the central register containing Qualification and Migration information for those parties who opted in and provided consent for their information to be shared by 24 January 2025 was published on 31 January 2025.

On 6 March 2025, we published an updated version of the register which you can view below:

Facilitating Engagement between Suppliers & Agents Central Register

Participants who wish to opt in and consent to their information being shared in future iterations of the register should complete the consent form included in the register itself and email this to the Programme Party Coordinator (PPC) team at [email protected] 

More details on how the Programme plan to maintain and update the register, as well as how participants can opt out of their information being shared as part of future iterations of the register are included in the cover sheet of the register itself. 

Please note that providing information for publication on the central register remains optional and details will only be published for parties who have opted in and provided their consent.

Furthermore, the information in the register provides a snapshot view of participant's Qualification and Migration information and is subject to change. The register has been published to facilitate engagement between Suppliers & Agents in response to participant feedback, but the Programme will not be held accountable for the use of this information by participants to inform commercial decisions and arrangements. 

Additional mechanisms to facilitate engagement between Suppliers & Agents include: 

  • Programme Party Coordinator (PPC) (MHHS) /Operational Support Manager (OSM) (Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC)) /Operational Account Manager (OAM) (Retail Energy Code (REC)) teams can also help facilitate engagement where needed
  • REC Party Register (a list of all acceded REC Parties and contract manager details) is updated weekly and published on the REC Portal
  • BSC publish a list of party OSM’s to facilitate engagement 

If you have any questions about the register, please email the PPC team at [email protected] 

decision group