Pre-Qualification Submission

Non-Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Suppliers and Agents (i.e. Supplier Agents and Meter Equipment Managers (MEMs)), and New Entrant Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO) Programme participants are required to provide a Pre-Qualification Submission for MHHS Qualification. 

Thank you to all Programme participants who submitted their Pre-Qualification Submissions (PQS) by the deadline on Friday 26 April 2024. Programme participants who are due to complete the PQS and have not yet sent this to the Code Bodies, please email [email protected] as soon as possible so the Programme Party Coordinator (PPC) team can support you with completing it.

The PQS includes all the information that Code Bodies need to make an informed judgement on a party’s readiness and suitability to be allocated to a particular Qualification Wave.

The information provided will also help Code Bodies to understand the resource and testing capacity required to support each Qualification Wave.

You can find further information on Qualification Waves and more general MHHS Qualification information on the Qualification Approach & Plan page of this website.



The Pre-Qualification Submission template, available at the link below, requests provision of the following information from each Programme participant: 

  • Preferred Qualification Wave
  • Pre-Integration Testing (PIT) approach and completion timescales
  • Qualification Testing approach and completion timescales
  • Any Placing Reliance proposals, both to understand dependencies and the level of testing required in
  • Qualification Testing
  • Supplier Hub relationships to inform Migration planning, (optional)

Code Bodies will work collaboratively with participants to ensure that they are in a suitable Qualification Wave.  

Pre-Qualification Submission template

To reduce the number of information requests simultaneously going to Programme participants, Code Bodies have included questions to cover MHHS readiness for other relevant Code areas within the Pre-Qualification Submission (Section 4.5).

Responses to these questions will feed into business as usual assurance arrangements under the Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC) and Retail Energy Code (REC) and will not form part of the Programme participants' MHHS Qualification Wave allocation assessment.   

Both the Code Bodies and the MHHS Programme will use the information provided in the Pre-Qualification Submission.

The Code Bodies provided Wave Allocation information to participants in June 2024.

Pre-Qualification Submission Webinar and Drop-in Sessions

The Code Bodies held a Pre-Qualification Submission webinar on 7 March 2024 to support participants to complete the PQS.

You can view the recording, slides and Q&A for this webinar below:

Pre-Qualification Submission (PQS) Worked Example

MHHS Webinar: PQS slides

MHHS Webinar: PQS recording

MHHS Webinar: Q&A v4.0

The Code Bodies also hosted some drop-in sessions to support participant queries.

We've updated the Q&A document, available above, to reflect the questions asked during these sessions.

If you have any questions about the Pre-Qualification submission, Placing Reliance, or anything further please email [email protected] 
