Non-SIT Supplier & Agent Qualification Test Execution
On this page you can find information on Non-Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Supplier & Agent (S&A) Qualification Test Execution.

MHHS Qualification Microsoft Teams Enrolment Guidance
Code Bodies have provided the Microsoft Teams Channel to participants to simplify communication and document sharing with the Non-SIT S&A Assurance Team and Code Bodies throughout Pre-Integration Testing (PIT) and continuing into Qualification Testing.
You can find the guidance document via the link below, which includes information on how participants can enrol and access the Teams Channel:
Qualification Testing Teams Enrolment Guidance Document
If you have any questions, please email the MHHS Qualification inbox at [email protected]
Qualification Testing Templates
You can find templates to use for Qualification Testing deliverables in the library below:
Short Name | Doc Number | Subtype | Theme | Version |
QT Test Completion Report Template - PDF | MHHS-DEL3381 | Approach and Plan | Qualification Testing Templates | 1.0 |
QT Test Completion Report Template - Word | MHHS-DEL3381 | Approach and Plan | Qualification Testing Templates | 1.0 |
Non-SIT S&A Qual Test Catalogue | MHHS-DEL3447 | Approach and Plan | Qualification Testing Templates | 0.3 |
Supplier and Agent QT Test Plan Template | MHHS-DEL3038 | Approach and Plan | Qualification Testing Templates | 1.1 |
Supplier and Agent QT Participant Readiness Report Template | MHHS-DEL3039 | Approach and Plan | Qualification Testing Templates | 1.0 |