Qualification Overview



Qualification Background

The Qualification phase of the Programme is in place to assess whether Programme participants that plan to operate in MHHS, have the appropriate systems, processes and controls in place to undertake the Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC) and Retail Energy Code (REC) requirements for the MHHS Design. 

In summary, the high-level Qualification evidence requirements will include: 

  1. PIT DBT1: Evidence PIT DBT1 completion to enter Qualification Testing which will prove specific functional, non-functional and migration related characteristics of systems and processes.
  2. SIT/Qualification Testing: Participants are expected to complete either SIT or Qualification Testing, and document evidence in the Qualification Assessment Document (QAD). 
  3. Placing Reliance: a policy for placing reliance is being consulted upon to reduce unnecessary duplication of effort for participants when completing the evidencing testing as set out in the 'Placing Reliance' policy. If this policy is being applied, evidence to support it should be provided in the QAD applying the principles set out in the policy.
  4. Procedural and Governance: All participants are expected to adhere to the processes and procedures of the Code Bodies to fulfil the requirements of the role; evidence for this will be documented in the QAD. ​​​​​​​

Qualification Plans

To support participants' access to key Qualification information, the Qualification plans shared at the Qualification Working Groups (QWG) in Q4 2023 have been collated.

You can view the Qualification Plans below, which includes a Plan on a Page (PoaP) below:

Qualification Plans



Placing Reliance Proposal Form 

To help Licensed Distribution System Operators (LDSOs) who are not taking part in Systems Integration Testing (SIT) and who intend to place reliance on some, or all of the testing completed by a third party in line with the MHHS Placing Reliance Policy, the Code Bodies have produced a Placing Reliance Proposal Form. 

LDSOs who are taking the non-SIT route through Qualification Testing, and wish to place reliance upon a third party, must complete and submit the Placing Reliance Proposal Form to the Code Bodies.

You can view the Placing Reliance Proposal Form below:

Non-SIT participant Placing Reliance Proposal Form

Following completion of the form, LDSOs are requested to email their proposals to both [email protected] and [email protected] with the subject: ‘MHHS Qualification/Placing Reliance Proposal’.

There is no cut-off submission date yet, but LDSOs are encouraged to engage and submit the forms so the Code Bodies can consider the proposals, request clarifications and decision ahead of July 2024.  

Non-SIT LDSOs who are not seeking to place reliance should not complete this form. 

Retail Energy Code (REC) and Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC) Qualification Assessment Criteria for MHHS Qualification

To help participants to understand MHHS Qualification under the Retail Energy Code (REC)  and Balancing Settlement Code (BSC), the REC Code Manager and Elexon have produced documents detailing their respective assessment criteria for Qualification. 

These documents are governed under the REC and BSC, and are hosted on the REC Portal and Elexon website.

The REC Assessment Criteria was uplifted to include coverage of operational requirements and was approved by the REC Performance Assurance Board (PAB) on 25 June 2024.

The BSC Assessment Criteria document includes coverage of functional, migration and non-functional requirements and was approved by the BSC PAB on 28 March 2024

All participants, irrespective of the Qualification route they take, can use these documents to gain insight into the REC and BSC approach to coverage of MHHS Requirements during Qualification for Market Roles governed under the REC and BSC.

You can view the REC documents in both PDF and Excel formats below:

REC Assessment Criteria v3.0 (PDF)

REC Assessment Criteria v3.0 (Excel)

Click on the link below to view the BSC Assessment Criteria:

BSC Assessment Criteria v1.0 (Excel)

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