Transition Design

Transition Design is split into two tranches:

Tranche 1 consists of elements that impact a Party’s near term Design Build and Test (DBT) activity, including:

  • Parallel Running and Grid Supply Point (GSP) Group Correction
  • Transitional Interfaces
  • Transition Approach and Requirements: Line Loss Factors (LLFs) and Unmetered Suppliers (UMS) Charge Code and Switch Regimes

Tranche 2 relates to the Governance and Transition to new timetables and includes:

  • Transition Approach and Requirements: Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA), Settlement Administration Agent (SAA) Calendars and Master Settlement Timetable
  • Transition to the new Settlement Timetable
1:30 time


Transition Design Tranche 1: Baselined Artefacts  

Thank you to all participants who reviewed and provided input on Tranche 1 of the Transition Design Artefacts.

These Artefacts were discussed in collaboration with the Migration and Transition Design Subgroup (MTDSG) and were published for review and comment on  14 April 2023. The comment window for Tranche 1 closed on 28 April 2023. ​​​

Following review of the comments and feedback provided, we have published the updated Transition Approach and Parallel Running Requirements and Provisional Transitional Scaling Weights Artefacts in the library below. The Transitional BMU Aggregated Data Artefact has not had any material updates made to the document, and so remains as the same version.

We have also published the updated Transition Design Consolidated Comments Log which you can access below:

Transition Design Tranche 1 Consolidated Comments Log

The Artefacts were baselined at the Design Advisory Group (DAG) on 14 June 2023

If you have any questions, or you need further information, please email [email protected]

Transition Design Artefacts

Short Name Doc Number Sub Type Status Version
Transition Approach and Parallel Running Requirements BRS001 Business Requirements 3.0
Transitional BMU Aggregated Data DES242 Interface Specifications 1.0
Transition Approach and Parallel Running Requirements (redlined) MHHSP-TRANS - BRS001 Business Requirements v4.0
Provisional Transitional Scaling Weights DES240 Supporting Document Draft v1.1
Transition Approach and Parallel Running Requirements MHHSP-TRANS - BRS001 Business Requirements v4.0

Transition Design Tranche 2: Artefacts Baselined

The Programme published the Settlement Timetable Transition Solution for consultation, which closed on 25 October 2023

The solution will reduce the current 14-month settlement window, to four months, to align with the new MHHS Target Operating Model on the M16 milestone cutover date (7 December 2026). The solution also caters for a fall back timetable, if the M16 date needs to be deferred.   

You can view the Transition Design Tranche 2 Consolidated Comments Log below:

Transition Design Tranche 2 Consolidated Comments Log

The Artefacts were approved and baselined at the Design Advisory Group (DAG) on 8 November 2023.  

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]


Transition Design Tranche 2 Artefacts