Elexon PPIR: Data Transfer Network File Numbering during Transition


Elexon has published this Programme Participant Information Request (PPIR) in collaboration with the Programme to obtain information from Programme participants to understand the potential implications of the proposed approach to Data Transfer Network (DTN) File Numbering during Transition.

Elexon is not expecting Programme participants to currently validate run numbers as incremental across different settlement dates and the reason for the PPIR is to validate this.

This PPIR is relevant to all Programme participants and is outlined in detail below.

Currently Elexon publishes Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Volume Allocation Runs (VAR) files via the DTN. This will continue as normal for settlement dates up to M10 Go-Live. After M10, processing of settlement dates will occur in the new Helix Volume Allocation Service (VAS) service regardless of Metering Point Administration Number (MPAN) migration status. Across both SVA VAR and VAS systems, run numbers will be included in the header of each file produced for settlement. This means that during Transition, run numbers for settlement dates pre- and post-M10 will not increment relative to each other. For example, SVA VAR may be at approximately 70,000 with VAS only at 100 within a single calendar day. 

Having reviewed the information above, as well as the worked examples below, Programme participants should complete the PPIR Form which is available below:

DTN File Numbering during Transition PPIR Form

This PPIR closes at 17:00 on Thursday 11 July 2024

If you have any questions about the content of this PPIR, please email [email protected] 

If you are having any technical issues or problems accessing the form, please email [email protected]  

Example: Pre and Early Transition 


Example: Mid and Late Transition 
